Pandora Hearts
Pandora Hearts

Pandora Hearts


Last Update: Apr 12,2015

Tag: Action Adventure Comedy Drama Fantasy Shounen Supernatural Romance Mystery Tragedy

The air of celebration surrounding fifteen-year-old Oz Vessalius’s coming-of-age ceremony quickly turns to horror when he is condemned for a sin about which he knows nothing. He is thrown into an ete...more

Chapters Comment
Vol (111) Order
Vol.24 Ch.104 - Retrace CIV: Will Vol.24 Ch.103 - Retrace CIII: Call Your Name Vol.24 Ch.102 - Retrace CII: The Nursery Vol.24 Ch.101 - Retrace CI: Oswald Vol.24 Ch.100 - Retrace C: Ossia Vol.24 Ch.099 - Retrace XCIX?Shade Vol.23 Ch.098 - Retrace XCVIII: Reverberate Vol.23 Ch.097 - Retrace XCVII: I Am Vol.23 Ch.096 - Retrace XCVI: Disagree Vol.23 Ch.095 - Retrace XCV: Vincent Vol.23 Ch.094 - Retrace XCIV: Blaze Vol.23 Ch.093 - Retrace XCII: Abyss Vol.22 Ch.092 - Retrace XCII: A Story Vol.22 Ch.091 - Retrace XCI: Jurors Vol.22 Ch.090 - Retrace XC: Clocktower Vol.22 Ch.089 - Retrace LXXXIX: Staccato Drop Vol.22 Ch.088 - Retrace LXXXVIII: Answer Vol.21 Ch.087.5 Vol.21 Ch.087 - Retrace LXXXVII: Starting Point Vol.21 Ch.086 - Retrace LXXXVI: Wager Vol.21 Ch.085.5 - Together Vol.21 Ch.085 - Retrace LXXXV: Reverberate Vol.21 Ch.084 - Retrace LXXXIV: Trickster Vol.21 Ch.083 - Retrace LXXXIII: After the Rain Vol.20 Ch.082.5 Vol.20 Ch.082 - Retrace LXXXII: Wish Vol.19 Ch.081 - Retrace LXXXI: Children Vol.19 Ch.080.5 - It Makes All Kinds Vol.19 Ch.080 - Retrace LXXX: Oscar Vessalius Vol.19 Ch.079 - Retrace LXXIX: Falling Vol.19 Ch.078 - Retrace LXXVIII: Decision Vol.19 Ch.077 - Retrace LXXVII: Vacant Vol.18 Ch.076 - Retrace LXXVI: Alice & Oz Vol.18 Ch.075 - Retrace LXXV: Alone Vol.18 Ch.074 - Retrace LXXIV: Broken Rabbit Vol.18 Ch.073 - Retrace LXXIII: A Note Vol.18 Ch.072 - Retrace LXXII: Bloody Rabbit Vol.18 Ch.071 - Retrace LXXI: Black Rabbit Vol.17 Ch.070 - Retrace LXX: Oz Vol.17 Ch.069 - Retrace LXIX: Alice Vol.17 Ch.068 - Retrace LXVIII: Glen Vol.17 Ch.067 - Retrace LXVII: Lacie Vol.17 Ch.066 - Retrace LXVI Jack Vol.17 Ch.065 - Retrace LXV Collapse Vol.16 Ch.064 - Retrace LXIV Tarantelle Vol.16 Ch.063 - Retrace LXIII Purpose Vol.15 Ch.062 - Retrace LXII Repose Vol.15 Ch.061 - Retrace LXI Demios Vol.15 Ch.060 - Retrace LX Egg Shell Vol.15 Ch.059 - Retrace LIX Couldn't Put Humpty Together Again Vol.15 Ch.058 - Retrace LVIII Puddle of Blood Vol.14 Ch.057 - Retrace LVII Humpty Dumpty Had a Great Fall Vol.14 Ch.056 - Retrace LVI Rabbit Eyes Vol.14 Ch.055 - Retrace LV Back to Back Vol.14 Ch.054 - Retrace LIV: Blank Smile Vol.13 Ch.053 - Retrace:LII I Humpty Dumpty Sat On A Wall Vol.13 Ch.052 - Retrace:LII Bloody Rites Vol.13 Ch.051 - Retrace:LI Lily & Reim Vol.13 Ch.050 - Retrace:L Reverse Corte Vol.12 Ch.049 - Retrace:XLIX Night in gale Vol.12 Ch.048 - Retrace XLVIII: Isla Yura Vol.12 Ch.047 - Retrace XLVII: Unbirthday Vol.12 Ch.046 - Retrace XLVI: Persona Vol.11 Ch.045 - Retrace XLV: Queen of Hurts Vol.11 Ch.044.5 - Omake: Gil in Wonderland Vol.11 Ch.044 - Retrace XLIV: Dusty Sky Vol.11 Ch.043 - Retrace XLIII: Crown of Clown Vol.11 Ch.042 - Retrace XLII: Stray Vol.10 Ch.041 - Retrace XLI: Where Am I?! Vol.10 Ch.040 - Retrace XL: Blindness Vol.10 Ch.039 - Retrace XXXIX: The Gate of Blackness Vol.10 Ch.038 - Retrace XXXVIII: Scapegoat Vol.09 Ch.037 - Retrace XXXVII: Glen Baskerville Vol.09 Ch.036 - Retrace XXXVI: Sablier Vol.09 Ch.035 - Retrace XXXV: Madness of Lost Memories Vol.09 Ch.034 - Retrace XXXIV: Noise of Echo Vol.08 Ch.033.5 Vol.08 Ch.033 - Retrace XXXIII: Echo of Noise Vol.08 Ch.032 - Retrace XXXII: Snow Dome Vol.08 Ch.031 - Retrace XXXI: Countervalue of Loss Vol.07 Ch.030 - Retrace XXX: Snow White Chaos Vol.07 Ch.029 - Retrace XXIX: Rufus Barma Vol.07 Ch.028 - Retrace XXVIII: Modulation Vol.07 Ch.027 - Retrace XXVII: Get Out of the Pool Vol.06 Ch.026 - Retrace XXVI: The Pool of Tears Vol.06 Ch.025 - Retrace XXV: Elliot & Leo Vol.06 Ch.024 - Retrace XXIV: Hello, My Sister! Vol.06 Ch.023 - Retrace XXIII: Conflict Vol.05 Ch.022 - Retrace XXII: His Name Is ... Vol.05 Ch.021 - Retrace XXI: Discord Vol.05 Ch.020 - Retrace XX: Who Killed Poor Alice? Vol.05 Ch.019 - Retrace XIX: Detestably Vol.04 Ch.018 - Retrace XVIII: Hollow Eye Socket Vol.04 Ch.017 - Retrace XVII: Odds and Ends Vol.04 Ch.016 - Retrace XVI: Keeper of the Secret Vol.04 Ch.015 - Retrace XV: Welcome to the Labyrinth Vol.04 Ch.014 - Retrace XIV: Lop Ear Vol.03 Ch.013 - Retrace XIII: A Lost Raven Vol.03 Ch.012 - Retrace XII: Who am I? Vol.03 Ch.011 - Retrace XI: Grim Vol.03 Ch.010 - Retrace X: Malediction Vol.02 Ch.009 - Retrace IX: Question Vol.02 Ch.008.5 - Omake: Maid-ora Hearts Vol.02 Ch.008 - Retrace VIII: Whisperer Vol.02 Ch.007 - Retrace VII: Reunion Vol.02 Ch.006 - Retrace VI: Where am I? Vol.02 Ch.005 - Retrace V: Clockwise Doom Vol.01 Ch.004 - Retrace IV: Rendezvous Vol.01 Ch.003 - Retrace III: Prisoner & Alichino Vol.01 Ch.002 - Retrace II: Tempest of Conviction Vol.01 Ch.001 - Retrace I: Innocent Calm
Read to Vol.01 Ch.001